How am I funding my next tiny tiny business idea. (instructions)

Gabriel Machuret
5 min readMar 9, 2021


Part 1 of Launching a new Biz idea without tears or dramas or emotional tantrums

This is how I funded a new tiny startup I’m launching on June.

1. Think of something you 100% kick ass in. (something you are a mini expert at)

2. Ask 10 to 20 people if you would like to “learn more about it” in a video format lesson that takes LESS than 1 hour

3. If they say yes, ask them if they would pay $20 for it

4. If they say yes… ask them to pay you NOW — you will be “send them the mini course — tutorial — guide — in a few days

5. Once you get paid your first $100 go to some FB groups you already interact and make a post. (don’t forget to ask people to pay you before you create the product)

6. Don’t give a crap about what anyone post or those trolls pressing the smiley face.

7. Don’t stop until you you sell 100 copies. (momentum is vital)

8. Make the product — record it upload it and send it to everyone that pay you. $20.

9. Delivery the product

10. Press the smiley face and move on.

— — Send part — -

Okay so now you have let say $2000 — because you managed to sell your mini product info tiny lesson for $20.

Okay so now you are rich bitch and now you can play the game of “I’m an entrepreneur”

So what now?

How to launch your biz

Let’s assume you have $2000

1. Buy a domain name $20

2. Buy Envato Elements unlimited access and get all the WordPress plugins you want and themes $20 (mainly milk the site and get as many graphics / stock photos you want)

3. Get hosting for let say 1 year $60 (no clue how much hosting costs but anyway)

4. Build a logo with Canva (free)

5. get a SSL free

6. Pay $7 and get a free trial of and do some keyword research. Find what content is good content in your niche and keywords for your future pages (Google “how to do keyword research” and watch that stuff for hours)

7. If you are a donkey and you can’t upload or setup WP — pay $100 and get a freelancer to help you.

How are we doing so far?
So far we have spent $207

Time: less than 2 days

8. Spend 1 night and write : about us, contact us, and site homepage (explain the purpose of the site, the goals etc)

Cost : free

9. Pay someone on to create social media accounts for you you can get someone to do 25 social media profiles for $10

10. Setup your business in Google business and wait for the postcard (even if is not a local biz, just set it up)

11. Pay someone $50 to submit your site to local directories. it will make very little difference but is good to be listed in other sites where Google expect you to be.

12. Pay $40 for a Press release so you can just put some “cool logos” and the typical as seen on. Yes, create some type of ass fake social proof.

Okay so far you have wasted $300 or so right?

Cool — Lets’ move on

13. Come up with 20 topics you want to talk about… record yourself talking about them, each audio will be around 10 minutes. It will take you 4 to 5 days because you are dead lazy. Once you do it , upload them to and launch your own solo podcast.

14. Pay someone $20 to submit your new podcast to every single freaking platform

15. Pay someone $10 to transcribe each of your audios and pay $5 extra to build a page with each audio and your embeded podcast.

Okay now you have a podcast + a site with 20 pages and each page easily has 1000 words of content. Total cost $450

Total cost: $750

(be aware you can do the transcription yourself and uploading the content on your own site) and save yourself $400 bucks

16. Cool bananas we are rocking this our, well done.…. now let’s hire a VA. We are going to get a VA part time just a few hours per week, let say 10 to 15 and we will pay around $400 per month , the goal is one : to interview via email experts in our industry. The idea is to email them and get an email interview…

The VA goal is to send an email requesting interview to 15 people per day. Per week 60. The goal is to get 1 YES and 1 interview per week. So 5 interviews per week….

17. Each interview can easily give you 1000 words , now you have 20000 words in 1 month and you have 60 x 4 = 240 people you can invite to your podcast or ask them to be featured

18. So far you spent $1050…. give yourself a hug.

19. Time to interview potential sponsors, use the same approach of point 16… you will invest $400 and get hopefully 20 new pieces of content…. and 20 companies that love you because you featured them on your site.

So far your site has 50000 words , you have 40 interviews, you have guests for your podcast, you have 480 people you can email again and you have a podcast with 20 shows.

20. Email the 480 and PRE-sell them 1 year marketing plan, exclusivity on your site.

You can pre-sell them a banner cheap as hell…

You can pre-sell them sponsorship on the podcast

You don’t have to reveal traffic or audience , they will not care, because they are are already part of your site.

Try to sell a sponsorship for at least $400 per month, mainly to pay for your VA to keep generating content via interviews…

21. Now you have a sponsor that pays for your VA and you have $400 left from your budget and all this is if you decide to outsource vs doing it yourself.

Done! #boom #crushingit #epic ← feel free to add more stupid hashtags

If you are reading this in Medium, press the heart below so I feel inspired to write the second part.



Gabriel Machuret

SEO & ASO Consultant and Internet Marketing Expert — Founder of Startup founders